Above Below

Above Below

Brighton Festival Fringe (2010) – at the Regency Town House

Nothing changes. Each year they return. The house remains the same.
The high-ceilinged rooms are gloomy; it is rare to see bright shafts of sunlight
squeeze through the shuttered windows.  During the day, they escape; some
swim in the sea, others stroll along the promenade or take rides to the
Downs.  The house is quiet, only those below remain.  In the evening
they reconvene and the business of eating, drinking, clearing tables, carrying
trays is enacted – all have their role to play. But can they retain balance in the
delicate social structure they have created or will the secrets that lie below
come to the surface and cause irreparable damage that will finally change

Wired Theatre returns to the venue of its earlier successes LOOK NOW
(2007) and LIKE CAGED BIRDS (2008), to create its latest site-specific
performance, drawing on the history and the haunting inspirational space of
the Regency Town  House.

The Cast

  • Gillian Eddison
  • Angela Ferns
  • Robin Humphreys
  • Janette Legge
    Elaine Mitchell
  • Michael Sabbaton
  • Jackie Thomas
  • Graham White


Sylvia Vickers

Poster Design

Zoe Gallagher


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